0101 - Inferno: Canto I-Canto VCori Samuel42:52
0202 - Inferno: Canto VI-Canto XAnnie Coleman Rothenberg36:20
0303 - Inferno: Canto XI-Canto XVDenny Sayers46:45
0404 - Inferno: Canto XVI-Canto XXJennifer Crispin30:22
0505 - Inferno: Canto XXI-Canto XXIVHugh McGuire Anne's Man and Thomas' Dad35:10
0606 - Inferno: Canto XXVI-Canto XXXAaron Decker36:27
0707 - Inferno: Canto XXXI-Canto XXXIVMarlo Dianne35:57
0808 - Purgatorio: Canto I-Canto VCatharine Eastman42:06
0909 - Purgatorio: Canto VI-Canto XIKirsten Ferreri37:01
1010 - Purgatorio: Canto XII-Canto XVIJennifer Crispin32:58
1111 - Purgatorio: Canto XVII-Canto XXI
1212 - Purgatorio: Canto XXII-Canto XXVIIDavid Barnes46:49
1313 - Purgatorio: Canto XXVIII-Canto XXXIIIChristie Nowak43:10
1414 - Paradiso: Canto I-Canto VDavid Leaman40:47
1515 - Paradiso: Canto VI-Canto XIJennifer Crispin38:18
1616 - Paradiso: Canto XII-Canto XVIRosalind Wills31:58
1717 - Paradiso: Canto XVII-Canto XVIIIJemmaBlythe39:34
1818 - Paradiso: Canto XXII-Canto XXVIIChristie Nowak41:56
1919 - Paradiso: Canto XXVIII-Canto XXXIIIKirsten Ferreri43:52

Running Time:  12 hours 18 minutes    
Read by Multiple readers
Book Coordinator: Gesine    
Meta Coordinator: Gesine

Cover: Illustration 'Hell' for the Divine Comedy (1824-1827) by William Blake (1757-1827)
Inset: Engraving of Dante Alighieri by Gustave Dore
Insert background image: Illustration for Dante’s Purgatorio 02 by Gustave Doré
Label: Illustration 'The Empyrean' for Paradiso Canto 31 by Gustave Dore

These recordings were made using the author’s original published work, which is in the public domain. The readings were recorded by members and volunteers of, which has generously made the recordings available to the public domain. The audio files have been lightly edited and have been engineered using professional audio tools for maximum sonic quality. While Librivox condones the sale and distribution of these recordings, it is not associated with the management or operations of MP3 Audiobook Classics.   A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this disc will be donated to Librivox to support their on-going operations.

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is regarded as the centerpiece of Italian literature and one of the greatest works in world literature. Written between 1308 and 1321, at the end of the Middle Ages and the dawn of the Renaissance, it distills the essence of the medieval world-view. The poem is structured in three canticas that represent the three realms of the dead: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory) and Paradiso (Paradise). Each cantica is composed of 33 cantos, which, together with the introductory canto, comprise a total of 100 cantos.

The narrative describes Dante’s own allegorical journey through the realms to salvation, accompanied first by the poet Virgil and later by his beloved Beatrice, and offers philosophical and moral commentary along the way. The Divine Comedy is a complex work full of symbol and allegory. Publication in Italian made the work accessible to a wide audience and contributed to the general growth in literacy. Its influence is nothing short of monumental. As T.S. Eliot wrote, “Dante and Shakespeare divide the world between them, there is no third.”

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Item Info
EAN - DVD case 0684758935847
EAN - CD jacket 0686175923445
Media MP3 CD
Package DVD box
Author Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321)
Translator Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882)
Year 1307
Read by Multiple readers
Length 12 hours 18 minutes
Type of Reading Collaborative

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The Divine Comedy

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