01001 - Marseilles - The Arrival21:54
40040 - The Breakfast54:32
79079 - The Lemonade28:30
02002 - Father and Son17:56
41041 - The Presentation33:04
80080 - The Accusation14:47
03003 - The Catalans28:25
42042 - Monsieur Bettuccio10:53
81081 - The Room of the Retired Baker38:59
04004 - Conspiracy19:02
43043 - The House at Auteuil16:13
82082 - The Burglary30:50
05005 - The Marriage Feast39:23
44044 - The Vendetta56:57
83083 - The Hand of God15:22
06006 - The Depurty Procureur Du Roi30:46
45045 - The Rain of Blood37:52
84084 - Beauchamp15:12
07007 - The Examination24:43
46046 - Unlimited Credit34:25
85085 - The Journey23:31
08008 - The Chateau D'If21:19
47047 - The Dappled Greys35:55
86086 - The Trial30:37
09009 - The Evening of the Betrothal12:33
48048 - Ideology32:41
87087 - The Challenge15:40
10010 - The King's Closet at the Tuileries21:18
49049 - Haidee13:18
88088 - The Insult23:11
11011 - The Corsican Ogre21:27
50050 - The Morrel Family24:53
89089 - A Nocturnal Interview21:30
12012 - Father and Son19:55
51051 - Pyramus and Thisbe33:16
90090 - The Meeting29:10
13013 - The Hundred Days17:56
52052 - Toxicology47:19
91091 - Mother and Son15:04
14014 - The Two Prisoners22:01
53053 - Robert Le Diable42:58
92092 - The Suicide21:06
15015 - Number 34 and Number 2734:59
54054 - A Flurry of Stocks29:49
93093 - Valentine17:33
16016 - A Learned Italian29:09
55055 - Major Cavalcanti26:56
94094 - Maximilian's Avowal28:07
17017 - The Abbes Chamber52:50
56056 - Andrea Cavalcanti33:01
95095 - Father and Daughter23:01
18018 - The Treasure32:14
57057 - In The Lucerne Patch30:17
96096 - The Contract26:17
19019 - The Third Attack26:20
58058 - M. Noirtier de Villefort22:30
97097 - The Departure for Belgium14:44
20020 - The Cemetry of the Chateau D'If12:00
59059 - The Will22:22
98098 - The Bell and Bottom Tavern28:38
21021 - The Island of Tiboulen22:51
60060 - The Telegraph26:29
99099 - The Law23:52
22022 - The Smugglers18:43
61061 - How a Gardner May Get Rid of the Dormice that Eat His Peaches22:14
100100 - The Apparition16:35
23023 - The Island of Monte Cristo19:30
62062 - Ghosts21:46
101101 - Locusta13:43
24024 - The Secret Cave20:03
63063 - The Dinner25:49
102102 - Valentine13:06
25025 - The Unknown19:47
64064 - The Beggar21:40
103103 - Maximilian21:22
26026 - The Pont Du Gard Inn37:42
65065 - A Conjugal Scene26:35
104104 - Danglars Signature25:06
27027 - The Story37:39
66066 - Matrimonial Projects26:41
105105 - The Cemetery of Pere-La-Chaise32:13
28028 - The Prison Register16:04
67067 - At the Office of the King's Attorney30:57
106106 - Dividing the Proceeds37:05
29029 - The House of Morrell and Son30:04
68068 - A Summer Ball16:39
107107 - The Lion's Den18:10
30030 - The 5th September38:25
69069 - The Inquiry22:03
108108 - The Judge24:32
31031 - Italy: Sinbad the Sailor58:20
70070 - The Ball21:51
109109 - The Assizes14:19
32032 - The Waking14:42
71071 - Bread and Salt10:21
110110 - The Indictment18:38
33033 - Roman Bandits1:13:21
72072 - Madame de Saint Meran29:50
111111 - Expiation21:49
34034 - The Coliseum1:13:24
73073 - The Promise1:06:36
112112 - The Departure37:36
35035 - La Mazzolata35:30
74074 - The Villefort Family Vault23:16
113113 - The Past29:13
36036 - The Carnival at Rome42:27
75075 - A Signed Statement27:01
114114 - Peppino24:52
37037 - The Catacombs of San Sebastian39:17
76076 - The Progress of Cavalcanti The Younger24:23
115115 - Luigi Vampa's Bill of Fare14:33
38038 - The Compact20:29
77077 - Haidee57:19
116116 - The Pardon12:43
39039 - The Guests18:03
78078 - We Hear From Yanina47:44
117117 - The 5th of October37:27

Running Time:  53 hours 50 minutes
Read by:  David Clarke

Cover: Painting by Franz Xaver Winterhalter
Inset: Dantès sur son rocher, by Paul Gavarni 1846
Inset:Photo of Alexander Dumas père 1855 by Nadar (1820–1910) 

These recordings were made using the author’s original published work, which is in the public domain. The readings were recorded by members and volunteers of, which has generously made the recordings available to the public domain. The audio files have been lightly edited and have been engineered using professional audio tools for maximum sonic quality. While Librivox condones the sale and distribution of these recordings, it is not associated with the management or operations of MP3 Audiobook Classics.

Alexandre Dumas’s The Count of Monte Cristo is as familiar to the reading public today as it was when it was published in France in 1844. Much of the familiarity is in all likelihood due to the several film adaptations of the complex story, but also due to the timeless tropes and archetypes within the story that speak deeply to the human condition. A man is unjustly imprisoned and loses years of his life to mind numbing incarceration. On the verge of suicide he meets a fellow inmate, a kind and elderly priest, who is also unjustly imprisoned. The priest becomes the man’s mentor and teaches him many things. The priest dies and the young man, now fourteen years older, sows himself into the dead man’s shroud and is tossed into the sea, from where he’s rescued by smugglers, only to begin the second half of his life’s journey. This tale of death and resurrection, as old as Calvary and the empty tomb, sets the stage for one man’s return to the land of living, flush with wealth and title, empowered to do as he will with those who’d caused him such devastating harm. The themes of vengeance and forgiveness then struggle for primacy.  In the nineteenth century it is said that books, the primary source of entertainment for a literate public, were purchased “by the pound,” which is to say audiences appreciated longer and more complex plots. Dumas, in The Count of Monte Cristo, as well as in The Three Musketeers, his two most popular novels, did not disappoint. (Summary by Michael Hogan)

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Item Info
EAN - DVD case 0683422134166
Media 3 MP3 CD
Package DVD Case
Author Alexander Dumas (1802 - 1870)
Read by David Clarke
Length Disc 1 - 19 hours 57 minutes Disc 2 - 19 hours 12 minutes Disc 3 - 14 hours 15 minutes Total - 53 hours and 50 minutes
Type of Reading Solo

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