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A Model of Christian Charity

A Model of Christian Charity

Political commentators often refer to an image of a shining “city on a hill” as a metapho..


Acres of Diamonds

Acres of Diamonds

Acres of Diamonds is a book by Russell H. Conwell that was published in 1890 as a document of a lect..




Areopagitica, subtitled A speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, to ..


Citizenship in a Republic

Citizenship in a Republic

“Citizenship in a Republic” is the title of a speech given by Theodore Roosevelt at the Sorbonne in ..




Rhetoric is an ancient Greek treatise on the art of persuasion still considered “the most important ..


Robert's Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order has been the most widely used manual of parliamentary procedure in the Unite..


The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Shortly after taking office in 1933 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered the first of his r..


The First Inaugural Address of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The First Inaugural Address of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

When Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932, the country was still reeling in the aftermath of the 1..


The Origin and Development of the Quantum Theory

The Origin and Development of the Quantum Theory

Quantum theory was formulated by German physicist Max Planck while seeking the reason that radiation..


Showing 1 to 9 of 9 (1 Pages)


Twelve Years A Slave

Twelve Years A Slave

Twelve Years a Slave is a memoir by Solomon Northup, a black man who was born free in New York. The ..


The Souls of Black Folk

The Souls of Black Folk

The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois is book everyone in America should read, a fundamental w..


Up from Slavery

Up from Slavery

In his 1901 autobiography, Up from Slavery, Booker T. Washington chronicles his personal experiences..


Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is the first and most popular of three memoirs Frederick..


Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl was one of the first books in the slave narrative genre that s..


The Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave

The Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave

The Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave reminds us that slavery at one time existed throu..


Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases

Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases

As owner and reporter for the Memphis Free Speech and Headlight Ida B. Wells investigated numerous a..


The Confessions of Nat Turner

The Confessions of Nat Turner

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO WIT: Be it remembered, That on this tenth day of November, Anno Domini, e..


The Suppression of the African Slave Trade  to the United States of America 1638 - 1870

The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America 1638 - 1870

The Suppression of the African Slave Trade is a fundamental work of African-American history that is..
