An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume was published in 1748 and is a shortened rev..
An Essay on the Principle of Population
An Essay on the Principle of Population, first published in 1798, is considered the most influential..
An Introduction to Yoga
ForewordThese lectures are intended to give an outline of Yoga, in order to prepare the student to t..
Beyond Good and Evil
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future is the second of four seminal late perio..
The Bhagavad-Gita is the sixth book of the Mahabharata and a core book in Hindu scripture. Written s..
Since the beginning of time human beings have been seeking to understand the mystifying nature of dr..
Emerson Essays: Nature, The First Series, The Second Series
This volume aggregates the essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson first collected in Nature (1837), Essays: T..
Eudemian Ethics
Aristotle coined the term “ethics” to define a field of study first undertaken by Socrates and Plato..
Introduction to Metaphysics
Introduction to Metaphysics is an essay by French Philosopher Henri Bergson about the concept of rea..
Meditations on First Philosophy
The Meditations on First Philosophy, which carries the subtitle “In which the existence of God and t..
Musings of a Chinese Mystic
If Lao Tzu then had revolted against the growing artificiality of life in his day, a return to natur..
Nicomachean Ethics
Aristotle coined the term “ethics” to define a field of study first undertaken by Socrates and Plato..
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
In July of 1846, Henry David Thoreau was on his way to Concord to run an errand when he was arrested..
On the Genealogy of Morals
Friedrich Nietzsche set out to dig into “the origin of our moral prejudices” in On the Genealogy of ..
In 1654, at the age of 31, Blaise Pascal had a religious experience that motivated him to turn his p..
Poetics is the earliest known work that develops a theory of drama and related literary forms. His ..
That to Study Philosophy is to Learn to Die
We all die, sooner or later. We all know it, and we wonder when, where, and how it may happen. and y..
The Age of Reason
The Age of Reason; Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology is a treatise by political p..
The Analects of Confucius
The Analects of Confucius is a collection of anecdotes, sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese ..
The Analysis of Mind
The Analysis of Mind was written by Bertrand Russell in 1921 to attempt to reconcile the growing mat..
The Antichrist
The German title of The Antichrist, Der Antst, translates into English as “The Anti-Christian” as we..
The Cloud of Unknowing
The Cloud of Unknowing is an anonymous work of Christian mysticism written in Middle English in the ..
The Complete Essays of Michel de Montaigne
At the age of 38, Michel de Montaigne retired from a distinguished public career and withdrew to the..
The Consolation of Philosophy
The Consolation of Philosophy by Boëthius is a philosophical work written around 524 AD while Boeth..
The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows began as a series of bedtime stories author Kenneth Grahame invented for his..
Relativity: The Special and General Theory
The image is popular and general: A young man sits under an apple tree. An apple falls, strikes him ..
A Doll's House
A Doll’s House aroused a great deal of controversy when it premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenha..
An Enemy of the People
The term “enemy of the people” has entered our modern lexicon, thanks to the unprecedented attacks o..
The Metamorphoses of Ovid
The Metamorphoses defies easy classification: it is a Latin narrative poem written in an epic style ..
A Shropshire Lad
The sixty-three short poems that constitute A Shropshire Lad conjure a pastoral countryside that is ..
Looking Backward: 2000 - 1887
During the economic and social upheaval of the 1870’s and 1880’s the notion of a better social order..
Robert Frost: Early Poems
Robert Frost: Early Poems combines the first two of Robert Frost’s published volumes. A Boy’s Will i..
A Boy's Will
A Boy’s Will is the first book of poems by Frost, published in 1913 when he was in his late thirties..
North of Boston
North of Boston was Frost’s second book, a collection of seventeen poems published in 1914. It ..
New Hampshire
New Hampshire is a collection of poems by Robert Frost first published in 1923 by Henry Holt. It con..
The Kama Sutra
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Hindu text considered by many as the first and perhaps still the best w..
The Perfumed Garden
The Perfumed Garden by Sheikh Nafzaoui is a fifteenth-century Arabic sex manual and work of erotic l..
The Conference of the Birds
The Conference of the Birds,also known as Bird Parliament or Speech of the Birds, is a masterpiece o..
Meditations on First Philosophy
The Meditations on First Philosophy, which carries the subtitle “In which the existence of God and t..
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám is the title of a translation by Englishman Edward FitzGerald of poems ..