
Read by: Scotty Smith
Book Coordinator: Scotty Smith
Meta Coordinator: Availle
Proof Listener: Larry Wilson


Cover: Zhuangzi Dreaming of a Butterfly, Mid-16th Century, by Lu Zhi
Inset: Opening pages of “Da Sheng ”, 19th volume of Zhuangzi, printed in Sung dynasty.
Inset: Han dynasty depict
Insert: Depiction of Zhuangzi drumming

Track Title                                                 Length

1         01 - Introduction, Part 1                 22:05

2         02 - Introduction, Part 2                 18:34

3         03 - The Doctrine of Relativity         07:12

4         04 - The Identity of Contraries         08:51

5         05 - Illusions                                         04:00

6         06 - The Mysterious Immanence 12:36

7         07 - The Hidden Spring                 09:19

8         08 - Non-Interference with Nat         03:25

9         09 - Passive Virtue                         11:11

10         10 - Self-Adaptation to Extern         06:41

11         11 - Immortality of the Soul         05:18

12         12 - The Sage, or Perfect Man         09:32

13         13 - Random Gleanings                 22:54

14         14 - Personal Anecdotes                 05:30

If Lao Tzu then had revolted against the growing artificiality of life in his day, a return to nature must have seemed doubly imperative to his disciple Chuang Tzu, who flourished more than a couple of centuries later, when the bugbear of civilization had steadily advanced. With chagrin he saw that Lao Tzu’s teaching had never obtained any firm hold on the masses, still less on the rulers of China, whereas the star of Confucius was unmistakably in the ascendant. Within his own recollection the propagation of Confucian ethics had received a powerful impetus from Mencius, the second of China’s orthodox sages. Now Chuang Tzu was imbued to the core with the principles of pure Taoism, as handed down by Lao Tzu. He might more fitly be dubbed “the Tao-saturated man” than Spinoza “the God-intoxicated.” Tao in its various phases pervaded his inmost being and was reflected in all his thought. He was therefore eminently qualified to revive his Master’s ringing protest against the materialistic tendencies of the time. - Summary by Lionel Giles

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Item Info
EAN - DVD case 0674012595689
EAN - CD jacket 0674012595696
Media MP3 CD
Package DVD case, CD jacket, CD security sleeve, download zip file
Author Lionel Giles (1875 - 1958) and Zhuangzi (c. 369 BCE - c. 286 BCE)
Translator Herbert Allen Giles (1845 - 1935)
Year c. 600 BCE
Read by Scotty Smith
Length 2 hours and 28 minutes
Type of Reading Solo

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Musings of a Chinese Mystic

  • Author: Zhuangzi
  • Product Code: DB-1135
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $9.99

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(SKU DB-1135) (EAN0674012595689)
(SKU CJ-1135) (EAN0674012595696)
(SKU CD-1135)
(SKU DL-1135)

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